
Analysis of peripheral nerves using synchrotron imaging

Wednesday 03 Jun 20
Peripheral nerves are known to change in patients with diabetes, which is seen by demyelination and regeneration of nerves.

The exact process of these changes is still not fully understood. Using synchrotron imaging, a team of researchers from Lund University, ESRF -The European Synchrotron in Grenoble, and the Technical University of Denmark have investigated peripheral nerves from patients with diabetes. These studies reveal the 3D structure of axons, and how, to the surprise of the researchers, regenerating nerves twist around each other, as shown in the image. This study has only been possible through a teamwork involving experts in imaging from ESRF Grenoble, bio-medical experts from Lund University, and experts in quantitative image analysis and visualization at DTU.

The results have been published in Scientific Reports.

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