Research-based 3D Imaging service

The Imaging Industry Portal at DTU aims at providing the industry with the latest equipment and the most advanced knowledge within 3D imaging and data analysis. There are several ways to engage in a collaboration with us depending on the scope of the problem and the company's need.

The best way to find out what we can do for you is to contact us!

  1. Contact
    Companies can contact us at and describe shortly the kind of materials or components they would like to investigate and for which reason.
    We strive to answer every request within a day.

  2. First meeting
    The first meeting aims at:
    • analyzing the company's problem
    • identifying the most suitable method to address it
    • defining a project plan
  3. Services
    Depending on the company's resources and the scope and complexity of the project, the company can either require a series of measurements and analysis under commercial terms, enter into a research collaboration with the Imaging Industry Portal, or have their problem solved through a student project.
Copyright: Thomas Steen Sørensen
Contact us if you want to discuss a potential collaboration or if you want us to analyze materials or processes for your company.